On my way to the church this morning I drove by Greencastle Middle School and High School. And the regular signs of life were not there. No busy movement of buses. No parking lot full of cars and teenagers with bags on backs. Through absence and stillness the message was clear: school is out for summer. Many of our lives are affected by this news though it affects us in different ways. For some there are no more children to teach, which means freedom and loss. For some (for a while at least) there are no more tests to prepare for; there is room to stretch and play and discover and be . For some the grandkids will be around more – more time to pour love into their lives and to cherish small wonders. For some there will be more chances to be together as a family; there will be trips and vacations and camps. And, for some there will be more stress in trying to juggle parenting and working because for some summer never really comes. It is also around this time some ...
Correspondences from Pastor Wes on the Journey of Faith