In dozens of different churches here in Putnam County, ministers come bearing a word for their people. They spend the vast majority of their week listening, visiting, learning, studying, and writing. And when Sunday arrives, they gather the bits and pieces of their experiences and the Bread of Life and they walk into a sanctuary or chapel to feed the people. Some of the ministers carry full manuscripts in their hands – handwritten and carefully prepared. Others walk in holding nothing but a word that has been burning in their heart and mind like a fiery coal. Some of them stand behind pulpits, some pace back and forth. Some wear microphones, while others speak like a candle barely holding out against a November wind. Some grip a Bible firm in their hands. But, however they do it, we usually call it the same thing … “preaching.” A minister preaching a sermon is – after all – one of the things that makes a church a church, right? It is what we have come to expect, t...
Correspondences from Pastor Wes on the Journey of Faith