"In the morning, while it was still very dark, Jesus got up and went out to a deserted place, and there he prayed.” – Mark 1:35 “… And a large crowd followed Jesus and pressed in on him.” – Mark 5:24 Back in the 15 th Century, back when medieval serfs harvested the land with ox and with sickle, there once lived a man named Thomas a Kempis. He grew up along and around the Rhine – the river that runs its course from high in the Swiss Alps, through the German broad land and to the wet marshes of Netherlands. Eventually, Thomas followed that river up to the Dutch lands, and one day he encountered a group of religious monks, educating and caring for the poor. He was attracted. He was intrigued. He, too, became a monk. Then, some years down the road in 1441, Thomas published a book by the title The Imitation of Christ . With that, Thomas a Kempis became famous. His work spread throughout Europe – becoming one of the first true “modern devotionals.” For Thomas...
Correspondences from Pastor Wes on the Journey of Faith