Yesterday, I paid a visit to a minister friend up in Indianapolis, something we had scheduled together a few weeks ago. He told me that it was the tradition of their church community and denomination to have a Stations of the Cross service during Holy Week - a way to travel the path Jesus walked as he went from public enemy to crucified King. I had never participated in a Stations of the Cross service, so I was looking forward to it. I was familiar enough with the service to know it had fourteen different stations, fourteen different readings from the Bible, and fourteen different "depictions" - small works of art that graphically showed a specific scene. At 10:00 am, I gathered in the mid-century sanctuary of St. John's Episcopalian Church, as the minister, Father Jeff Bower, began leading us through the stations ... first, Jesus is condemned to death ... second, Jesus carries his cross ... third, Jesus falls for the first time ... and on and on to the ...
Correspondences from Pastor Wes on the Journey of Faith