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Showing posts from March, 2012

Lenten Worship in South Korea

"In this 6 weeks of Lent season our church has been having early morning prayer meeting from 5 am."    - from Cosmo, Don and Kay Weaver's sister in Christ, who became a Christian through her time at GPC, and who now worships and ministers with her husband, Wansik Bang, in South Korea

Helping Those Affected by the Tornadoes

Read below for some ways in which we can be of assistance to those affected by the recent tornadoes in Southern Indiana ... Dear Friends, In some ways, it seems like forever since Friday night's tornadoes; time moves in a different way at times like this.  It's been hard for me to keep track of the days as they have come and gone. It's hard, too, to take in the many scenes and stories from that night.  Much of the national media's coverage has focused on Henryville. Other places of devastation are often known only to those more local.  The other day I shared some images from Nabb and Marysville and Chelsea. I'd like to take some time tonight and lift up our brothers and sisters in Washington County. Today the members of the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance national response team visitid Pekin. Their first stop was a local diner. Those who had gathered there for breakfast and coffee welcomed the visitors, and were pleased that the Presbyterians ...

Another Update Regarding Southern Indiana

See below for a further update from Susan McGhee regarding the work and ministry that continues with our brothers and sisters south of us: Dear Friends, I wish that I could have been in every house of worship in our presbytery this morning; I am certain that the gospel was proclaimed with conviction and wisdom and compasion and faith and hope and love in every place. It was my privilege to be with the flock of Henryville Community and Mt Lebabnon churches this morning. The Community church was heavily damaged, so we worshipped together at Mt Lebanon. Clerk of Session Marianna Dietrich had the church warm and welcoming when I arrived.  She was a sight for sore eyes - and so was her sister clerk, Janet Mullins of Henryville Community!  And so were, of course, all who came for worship this morning. Most had suffered damage to their homes, many severe damage. Some have lost their homes entirely. But they came.  Our "new best friends" from Presbyter...

Praying for Those Affected by the Storms

The following is an update from Susan McGhee, our presbyter for Ohio Valley, about the ongoing work and help being done in Southern Indiana, including ways we can help at this time: March 4, 2012 My Dear Friends, I am in Seymour in the wee hours of this Sunday morning; last night I met with staff and volunteers from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (including our own Beth Snyder and Eric Moore). Later this morning we head into the areas that have been most heavily hit. Our first stop is Mt Lebanon Presbyterian Church, where I and the folks from PDA will be present for worship. From there our plan is to go to Henryville. The Revs. Jack Cormack and Beth Walden-Fisher were both able to spend some time in that community on Saturday. They met with church members and session members, and offered pastoral care and support. Jack reports that the church has suffered some damage - part of the roof has been blown away and several of the windows are out. He and the clerk of ...