Sunday, September 2nd, 2012 @ 9:30 am in the fellowship hall Shane Claiborne - The Myth of Redemptive Violence This Sunday we begin a new format for our Adult Sunday Bible Study. Throughout this fall, we are going to be interacting with and discussing "prophetic voices" in our culture - individuals who either entice us or force us to address a controversial topic of our modern world ... anything from how we treat the poor and disadvantaged members of our community, to our care (or lack thereof) of God's creation, to rampant materialism in the Western world. This week we begin with a man who has become a popular speaker throughout the country - at conferences and at churches. He grew up in the evangelical wing of the Christian household, attending Wheaton College in Illinois and eventually working at one of the larger churches of America, Willow Creek. While he was always known to be a bit different, his life and voice became even more radical following an...
Correspondences from Pastor Wes on the Journey of Faith