"Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee ..." - Matthew 28:16 Ten-Year-Old Me I hated going to church when I was ten years old. Yeah, that's where I want to begin: the fact that ten-year-old Wes loathed going to church with my family on Sunday mornings. True story. Back in 1989, on Sunday mornings at around 8:30 am at our home at 965 Maxwell Lane in the Colony Woods subdivision of Zionsville, Indiana, you probably would have found me hiding in my bed. You wouldn't have known, perhaps, that I was hiding. It would have just looked like I was sleeping in my bed - eyes closed, deep breathes and all. But, I wasn't sleeping. I was pretending - pretending not to hear my mom calling up the stairs to my sisters and me, pretending not to hear her tell us us to get up and get ready for church. Every Sunday I would indulge in this fantasy. Sunday after Sunday I would dangle out the hope that maybe if I stayed in bed long enough and pretended ...
Correspondences from Pastor Wes on the Journey of Faith