When we read the Gospels, we notice something very peculiar happening time and time again. Men and women resist stepping out of their comfort zones in order to step forward to follow Christ and serve others. Luke 18:18-30: The rich young man can't find it within himself to step away from the life he has built ... Luke 7:36-39: The Pharisee stands apart emotionally and physically from Jesus when a scandalous woman has the audacity to offer a tremendous gift of love and praise ... Luke 8:19-21: Even Jesus' own family found it hard to step beyond their comfort zone of security, choosing a limited vision of family instead of God's bigger one. The same theme of standing apart is also prevalent in Jesus' parables: Luke 15:11-32: The parable of the Prodigal Son ultimately turns into a tale of how moral superiority can hold us back. Luke 16:19-31: And the story of the Rich Man warns us about the end result of being imprisoned by our inabili...