[Thanks to Gary Scroggins for his friendship, his mentoring, and for always passing along a story to keep me moving forward with Christ. Gary told me to pass along this story as I saw fit ...] I had lunch with Gary Scroggins this past week to get me signed-up to go on an Emmaus Walk this coming Spring, a church retreat for men and women. After catching up briefly inside his church over in Brazil, we decided to make the short walk down the street to a new restaurant that had just opened up in the former bank on US-40. As we walked the short two blocks, I asked Gary how he was doing. He paused for a moment and mentioned that the last few weeks had been a bit of a whirlwind. I knew that his wife, Sandi, was scheduled for a checkup regarding her cancer, so I was fearful that he would have bad news related to that visit. No, he assured me, all the results from their time up at the Cleveland Clinic were positive for Sandi. It wasn't that. ...
Correspondences from Pastor Wes on the Journey of Faith