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Showing posts from September, 2017

Acts 2:42-47 - Questions for Reflection & Study

This past Sunday, we took a look at Luke's first summary passage in the story of Acts:  chapter 2, verses 42-47.  Here, Luke is presenting a billboard of what the Church looks like at its best.  He is trying to convince Theophilus that Christianity is worth his attention.  The early Church captures what all of us are looking for, whether we know it or not.  This is a close community that truly cares for one another, where everyone truly is seen as a brother and sister, and where no one person is considered more or less important as the other.  Needs are being met.  There is joy in their fellowship.  Take a moment to think about a time in your life when you experienced the joy and blessing of a deep, loving community?  Where was it, and what made this community so different?  What role did you play in this community? Luke tells us the disciples "devoted themselves" to four essential practices.  The Greek word for "devoted" ...

Acts 2:22-28, 36 - Questions for Reflection & Meditation

This week we went further into Peter's sermon before the crowd gathered on the day of Pentecost.  He turns his attention to dispelling the "critics" in his midst, including those who are already out to squelch the joy and new life emerging in this community. Peter's language is severe and harsh, but his desire is to wake up his audience enough to see (a) God's triumphant work in Jesus Christ and (b) how entrenched we can become in binding ourselves to what some authors call "less-wild lovers" - activities, titles, relationships, etc. that do not actually lead to true life. (see the book A Sacred Romance ) It is very important to make this next point very clear.  This is not about scape-goating or blaming the Jewish people for the death of Christ.  Too often, Christians have slipped into this tendency, and it has has led to many and unfortunate examples of anti-Semitism. Instead, I believe it is important to see Peter's sermon as an opportuni...