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Showing posts from December, 2012

Why We Come Together to Hear Scripture

Way back in September, when I was just digging into commentaries on Isaiah , I remember reading that it is very likely Isaiah - the prophet - intended for his vision to be performed.   Isaiah wasn't just something to be read in the quiet hours of the evening, but a drama to be enacted and enhanced by music.  Yes, Isaiah even intended parts of his vision to be sung in the context of a believing community, for his messages to fill the cavernous space of the Temple that he imagined standing again in renewed glory. I imagine Isaiah would have been very pleased had he been present for our Cantata this past Sunday.  I was more than pleased.  I was moved and moved deeply.  Sitting in the front pew between the choir before me, Brady and Rebecca reading to the right, Cheryl and other players moving us through the various songs and announcements, I found myself finally realizing the fullness of Isaiah's vision.  I heard and experienced the Word of The Lord come to...

On Our Tiptoes - Advent 2012

"Advent is the time where Christians stand on their tiptoes." -   #advent retweet Everything is set and in place again.  Thanks to many who came in before worship and stayed after yesterday, the sanctuary is now prepared for this season of Advent - this season when we bring out our old Christmas ornaments and untangle the mess of lights, the season we unpack our most fundamental hopes and clear space enough to hear God's amazing promises all over again.  The purple liturgical cloths are hanging from table and pulpit.  The Advent candles stand in silent testimony to the four illusive and longed-for gifts:  hope, peace, joy, and love.  And the Christmas tree stands laden with our many family ornaments. I know some of you have experience with Advent, but I also know that Advent is a fairly new or even foreign idea to many of you.  The quote above expresses what this season is all about succinctly and sufficiently.  It is the time of year...