1. What is your spiritual community?
Healthy spiritual communities are places that foster a deeper awareness of spiritual growth and move beyond superficial conversations to talk about what you are really experiencing. Healthy spiritual communities support activities that allow us to experience greater grace and freedom in our lives - activities like deeply engaging worship, in discussions about spiritual direction, meditation and prayer.
Where have you experienced this type of healthy spiritual community (it doesn't necessarily have to be the church)? Where do you feel like you can find it in Greencastle?
2. Who is your trainer?
One of the key components of any worthwhile exercise class is often times the instructor. He or she can help make the experience both challenging but also life-giving and rewarding.
In today's age, the beautiful thing is that you can have access to all sorts of trainers - both physical and spiritual. With podcasts, blogs, Youtube and other resources, you shouldn't ever feel like it is too hard to find a mentor or teacher that can offer you something. The key is to find one that can offer sound doctrine and training, and certainly this is one of my primary roles here with you.
Who is your mentor in the faith? Who is helping you grow as a Christian?
3. Who are your training buddies?
I have a friend that I text the night before very early morning swims just so that we can hold each other accountable and encourage each other. Why don't we think of our spiritual life much the same way? Thankfully, more people are starting to, which includes some of us seeking out spiritual directors or small groups to help us grow in our faith.
Who are the individuals you give you that right balance between encouragement and challenge? Who is one person you can intentionally reach out to this week or month and see if they would be interested in meeting with you regularly to talk about your spiritual life?
4. What is your training program?
All good physical exercise programs inevitably come back to one key area: your core strength. The muscles in that section of your body (your abdomen, lower back, and down into your pelvis) are key in promoting flexibility and strength throughout the rest of your body. Weakness in your core leads to poor posture and sometimes injury. Therefore, a sound training program always promotes key core exercises.
The same is true for our "core" spiritual exercises. To me, these would include taking time daily for stillness, prayer and reflection, what is often called a "quiet time." My advice would be to start out with five to ten minutes once a day where you intentionally slow your breathing down, try to remain in a relaxed sitting posture, and invite God's loving presence into your life as you open yourself to the Spirit's leading. Over time, you may find it helpful to build up this time, just as you would do with physical exercise, going from five to ten minutes to fifteen to twenty.
Secondly, taking time to hear from God - specifically through lectio divina or holy reading - is an essential part of maintaining a healthy spiritual core.
5. What is your goal?
If you've ever tasted the joy and exhiliration of meeting a physical goal (whether it's losing those pounds or crossing the finish line of a triathlon), you know how good those endorphins feel.
If we get exhiliration from such effort, imagine how much joy there is to be had in striving and straining to please the Lord and to love others?
Our ultimate goal is to become more like Jesus Christ in our own life so that we can offer more love, more charity, and more mercy to those around us.
Healthy spiritual communities are places that foster a deeper awareness of spiritual growth and move beyond superficial conversations to talk about what you are really experiencing. Healthy spiritual communities support activities that allow us to experience greater grace and freedom in our lives - activities like deeply engaging worship, in discussions about spiritual direction, meditation and prayer.
Where have you experienced this type of healthy spiritual community (it doesn't necessarily have to be the church)? Where do you feel like you can find it in Greencastle?
2. Who is your trainer?
One of the key components of any worthwhile exercise class is often times the instructor. He or she can help make the experience both challenging but also life-giving and rewarding.
In today's age, the beautiful thing is that you can have access to all sorts of trainers - both physical and spiritual. With podcasts, blogs, Youtube and other resources, you shouldn't ever feel like it is too hard to find a mentor or teacher that can offer you something. The key is to find one that can offer sound doctrine and training, and certainly this is one of my primary roles here with you.
Who is your mentor in the faith? Who is helping you grow as a Christian?
3. Who are your training buddies?
I have a friend that I text the night before very early morning swims just so that we can hold each other accountable and encourage each other. Why don't we think of our spiritual life much the same way? Thankfully, more people are starting to, which includes some of us seeking out spiritual directors or small groups to help us grow in our faith.
Who are the individuals you give you that right balance between encouragement and challenge? Who is one person you can intentionally reach out to this week or month and see if they would be interested in meeting with you regularly to talk about your spiritual life?
4. What is your training program?
All good physical exercise programs inevitably come back to one key area: your core strength. The muscles in that section of your body (your abdomen, lower back, and down into your pelvis) are key in promoting flexibility and strength throughout the rest of your body. Weakness in your core leads to poor posture and sometimes injury. Therefore, a sound training program always promotes key core exercises.
The same is true for our "core" spiritual exercises. To me, these would include taking time daily for stillness, prayer and reflection, what is often called a "quiet time." My advice would be to start out with five to ten minutes once a day where you intentionally slow your breathing down, try to remain in a relaxed sitting posture, and invite God's loving presence into your life as you open yourself to the Spirit's leading. Over time, you may find it helpful to build up this time, just as you would do with physical exercise, going from five to ten minutes to fifteen to twenty.
Secondly, taking time to hear from God - specifically through lectio divina or holy reading - is an essential part of maintaining a healthy spiritual core.
5. What is your goal?
If you've ever tasted the joy and exhiliration of meeting a physical goal (whether it's losing those pounds or crossing the finish line of a triathlon), you know how good those endorphins feel.
If we get exhiliration from such effort, imagine how much joy there is to be had in striving and straining to please the Lord and to love others?
Our ultimate goal is to become more like Jesus Christ in our own life so that we can offer more love, more charity, and more mercy to those around us.
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